How to Make a House a Home – The Importance of Creativity

What makes a house a home? Creativity and addressing a client’s needs with thoughtful solutions are part of the process. For the family involved in our Marston Mills project, the challenge—and the solution—came in the form of custom headboards and cabinetry for the kids’ bedrooms.

In this project, ingenuity stemmed from conflict: the client loved the beds positioned against the window wall, but did not want the headboards to block the stunning ocean view. We shied away from the easy solution of choosing between the headboards and the window, sure that there was a better way, one that did not force our client to compromise their dream home.

The solution: we designed custom cabinetry that pulls the headboards away from the wall, tucks the beds in cozy nooks, and incorporates built-in nightstands and a continuous countertop. For ease in making the beds, we angled the nightstands away from the bed frames. Streamlined, functional, and cohesive.

The happy client feels that the design is tailored to their needs, and that is always our goal in creating a unique house that truly feels like home—no matter the obstacle.


Creative Solutions at Buzzards Bay


Visualizing Projects in the West Indies for Remote Clients